Упр. 154. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.

(NOW) 1. The boys are runing about in the garden. 2 I’m doing my homework. 3. John and his friends are going to the library. 4. Ann is siting at her desk. She is studing geography. 5. A young man is standing at the window. He is smoking a cigarette. 6. The old man is walking about the room. 7. The dog is lying on the floor. 8. Are you having a break? 9. What language are you studying? 10. Who is lying on the sofa? 11. What are they talking about? 12. It is still raining.

4 коммент.:

zanauku комментирует...

Только "is sitting", а не siting. И running соответственно.

veryverybed комментирует...

Спасибо большое, учту на будущее!

Unknown комментирует...

Рой пидр

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